Indy says, "Merry Christmas"!!
[image: photo
10 years ago
It's really more than just a boy scout motto, you know. We weathered Katrina pretty well in Shelbyville. Thankfully, Katrina wasn't all she was cracked up to be, by the time she got to my house. I'm very thankful for that. All of this has really made me aware that I need some kind of disaster plan for my pets. It really hit home last night, when Casey and I were trying to figure out what to do with the little outside dog next door. We were trying to find a place to put him, where he would be safe from the elements and flying debris. Luckily it didn't get that bad, but it did make me more than uncomfortably aware that I need to formulate a plan. What would happen if something happened to my house while I was at work? Who would get my dogs, cats, and reptiles out? Where would they go, until I could get to them? Where would I go afterwards? Who would catch them if a tree fell into the house, and they were running loose in the neighborhood? The American Humane Association has an online tutorial to help you formulate your own disaster preparedness program. For more information and to design your own plan, click HERE. You can order a "Be Prepared" kit and check card, along with a wallet pet emergency card by clicking HERE.
Also if you love animals, and would like to help shelter or rescue during disasters, you can receive training and be a part of The American Humane Red Star Emergency Services. They are holding volunteer training sessions across the U.S. right now. Click HERE to find information on a training session near you, or to find out when the next one is scheduled.
I was lucky this time. There are many who were not so lucky. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone that has been affected by Katrina. Next time, I will be better prepared. Everyone have a safe and happy day!
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