Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Jack gets in on the Fat Tuesday madness!!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday!


Happy Fat Tuesday efurone!! Today is going to be such a fun time! Moms and Dad are going to our church's Shrove Tuesday pancake supper and Mardi Gras celebration! Dad made us a special King Cake of our furry own! So we'll get to pawty, when they get home tonight!! We always get to live it up, because of Moms and Dad starting Lent. They always include us! We'll have some great pics to share tomorrow!! What are you all doing for Fat Tuesday??

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Moms is Swimming 100 Miles for the MS Association!

As all of you in Blogville know, Moms loves to swim and participate on her local United States Masters Team, the MTSU Blue Wave Raiders. She wants to swim for all of those affected by MS and their families, but especially for one of our closest friends, Linda. Linda is in the advanced stages of MS, and uses a power chair for her mobility. We have watched her battle and struggle with this devastating disease, and we all want to help find a cure for her. Linda has an amazing Rat Terrier Assistance Dog, our furiend, Dixie!! We know how generous and wonderful efurone here in Blogville is. Please consider supporting our Moms in her 100 mile swim!!

Since 2012 is an Olympic year Moms' goal is to swim 100 miles, before the start of the London games on Friday, July 27, 2012. Help her reach her goal and support the fight for MS!  Please consider making a donation to our cause!!<

Almost Wordless Wednesday!

We are so furry sorry that we've missed everything in Blogville lately. Just when Moms got over her stomach sickies, she got really sick again! Hopefully, she is much better now. Here are some shots of my 4th Birthday pawty that we held, before she got so sick!




Wednesday, February 1, 2012