Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome Spring!!

Check out how our furiend, Bessie, welcomed Spring today!!


We are happy to see warm weather again! What about you guys?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy 14th Birthday to Daisy!!

Today is the "Grumpy Old Lady" dog's 14th Birthday!! Moms and Dad are having a little pawty for her tonight! She is the oldest one of the family!! We are hoping that we all get Krystal hamburgers, but we'll just have to wait and see!! Anyway, Happy Happy Birthday Daisy!!




Tuesday, March 6, 2012


We are furry sorry! We didn't realize that the comments verification had changed. Several of you have e-mailed us about it. For now, barring problems, we've had Moms take the comment verification off of our bloggie. Please let us know, if you are still having problems.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Checking In

Sorry this took over the weekend, efurone! We just wanted to check in real quick and let you all know that we are A-OK!! We sure had some bad weather, but luckily, we had no damage. So many others close to us did! Thank you all for all of your sweet thoughts and concern. We'll be back later with a fun post!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Batten Down the Hatches!!!

We are getting some really STORMY weathers around here today!! We are so happy that Moms work is letting her leave at noon today, and all the schools are already closed or are closing early. There has already been bad storm damage just about a half hour south of us. We are supposed to get hit with bad storms around 1 this afternoon. We hope all our furiends in the path of this bad weather are safe! We'll check in again, when we get the all clear! Be sure to have your safe places and emergency kits ready!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Review Thursday: Orijen from Mr.Chewy


Mr. Brent, who is so furry nice, from contacted us again and offered to let us try Orijen food for free!! Of course, we all jumped at the offer, and so did Moms! We could pick anything to try, so we picked the Orijen Regional Red All Life Stages.

As always, the shipping was Bunny fast quick! We had our new food in only a day or so! It's so nice to get the foodables delivered right at the front door!! We couldn't wait for Moms to get home, so we could dig in and give it a try! Finally after much begging, Moms opened the bag and let us try some. Let me tell you, it was SUPER DAWG delicious!! It is the first time EVER that we have fought over dry food! We are usually good about sharing, but Moms had to get out all of the extra bowls. Dad commented that it looked and smelled like beef jerky. Needless to say, it took us no time to blow through the sample bag. Now, we just can't wait for Moms to order us some more. We're listening for the knock at the door for the delivery man!

Again, our experience with was PAWSOME!! We'll definitely be ordering from them again! Be sure to drop by their website, if you need any food or treats!! Be sure to tell them we sent you too! They have the coolest furiend referral program. Everytime you order and use our code: FIES9917 at checkout, the proceeds will be split evenly between Best Friends Animal Society, Bidawee, and North Shore Animal League. You'll get a 10% discount on your order too!

Be sure to visit MrChewy on Facebook: and Twitter:!/MrChewy