Today's Christmas Furiend is the oh so lovely, Rubie!! Isn't she just beautimous in her Christmas attire!! Rubie is from "Down Under" Be sure to stop by her blog and tell her we sent you!
Sorry we are tardy with this entry. Moms and Dad have been fighting the nasty flu bug this week.
Today's Christmas Furiends are Shiloh and Shasta! We look forward to them pawticipating every year!! Aren't they beautimous in their Christmas finery?!!
Today's Christmas Furiend is Bessie! Bessie is one of our long-time furiends. She has AMAZING photo shoots! Bessie lives in North Carolina with her pawrents.
Today's Christmas Furiends are Frankie and Earnie!! Frankie was one of our very first blog furiends, and we just love, love, love little Earnie too!! If any of you need help in Blogville, call on these two!! We love you Frankie and Earnie. Head over and visit them on their bloggie
We would like to do a short version of our long ago tradition, "Christmas Furiends" Each day, from now until Christmas, we'll feature one of our friend's photos on our bloggie. Have one of your pawrents e-mail a picture of you to us as fiestythree at gmail dot com This was such a fun tradition, that we'd like to restart it!!
Hope efurone had a pawsome weekend! The weather was so cold and icy, that Moms and Dad stayed home and snuggled with us all weekend!! Efurone stay warm and have a Happy Monday!!
Hope that efurone is getting ready to have a furry Happy Thanksgiving!! We got our Christmas Cards all ready! We'll be mailing them out, right after Thanksgiving! We'd like to thank Frankie Furter and Earnie for sharing the Christmas card list with us! We're looking forward to getting more cards than Moms and Dad!! We've already received our very first card from Reilly and Denny! Thank you so furry much! This is definitely one of our most favorite times of the year!!
Well, almost wordless. We missed the deadline for the Christmas Card exchange. We'd still love to send cards. If you would like to exchange cards with us, please e-mail Moms at fiestythree at gmail dot com
Just wanted to let all of our furiends know that we are still here!! Moms is still really busy with school, and Dad has a new job!! Hope that y'all are enjoying your fall!!
So furry sorry that we have been away so long!! Moms is really busy with the schools and work this semester. In addition, she is doing a field study, which makes her work nearly 60 hours per week!! We've basically been keeping her sane! Here's a few pictures from Indy's 5th Birthday Pawty!! It was certainly THE EVENT!! Moms says she will try to update out bloggie, at least once a week!! Hope to see you all REAL soon!!